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School Meals

School meals are currently charged at £2.65 per day and are ordered online from ParentPay. Further details are available from the 'ParentPay' area of this website.

Please note that even if your child is a recipient of Free School Meals either through the Universal School Meals system (see below) or through entitlement, school meals still have to be ordered via ParentPay; no payment will be required.


Please see our current menu below.

Universal Free School Meals:

In September 2014, the Government introduced universal free school meals for all Key Stage 1 children (Reception, Year1 and Year2). This gives an automatic entitlement of a free school meal to every child within these year groups. However, we would like to encourage all parents (including those with children in Key
Stage 1
) to check if they are entitled to claim for Free School Meals outside this scheme.

A few years ago the Government introduced Pupil Premium funding which is given to schools for each child registered for free school meals, children in care and services children (see pupil premium details). All eligible parents (including those with children in Key Stage 1) need to register their entitlement for this funding to reach our school. 

If you feel you may qualify, please follow the link below. Here you will be able to check your eligibility and if you are eligible, the process will continue for you to register.

If you are eligible you will be entitled to financial help towards some school trips and one of our school uniform vouchers (value £50) to be used to purchase uniform items through the school. So even if your child is in Reception, Year 1 or Year 2 and therefore has free school meals through the UFSM process, it's worth checking your eligibility and registering.