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  • 18/10/22


    Cross-Country Runners! Friday 14th October. 
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  • 12/10/22

    New Gym Equipment

    We are so excited that our brand new gym equipment has been installed on our field!  
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  • 12/10/22

    Police Community Support Officer

    Our local PSCO led a super assembly with children in Year 5 and Year 6. 
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  • 09/10/22

    Loveny Class visit Porfell

    On Thursday 6th October, Loveny Class (Year Two) visited Porfell Animal Park to support their learning and develop their understanding. A wonderful day was had by one and all!
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  • 05/10/22

    Dyslexia Awareness Week

    October 3rd - 7th We took part in National Dyslexia Awareness Week to develop children and staff understanding of dyslexia.  This year's theme was removing barriers.  
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  • 29/09/22

    Harvest at Dobwalls Church

    Children in Year One to Year Six visited Dobwalls Church for a brilliant Harvest. 
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  • 28/09/22

    Camel Class Visit Sherford, Plymouth

    A super trip which support Year 6 in understanding more about project management and maths. 
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  • 21/09/22

    Fowey walk to Jubilee Field

    Fowey Class enjoy a village walk!
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  • 21/09/22

    New School Council Elected

    Our School Council for 2022 - 2023 have now been elected. 
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  • 11/09/22

    Book Week - September 2022

    We kick-started the new academic year with a fantastic Book Week across our whole school.  Every class, spent the week engrossed in learning through books including stories, non-fiction and poetry.  A wide range of learning took place from cooking, making pop up books, writing stories, dra...
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  • 09/09/22

    Visit to The Box

    On Wednesday 7th September, Tamar class visited The Box in Plymouth and became undercover journalists, investigating what happened in Plymouth during The Blitz. They were able to use their SECRET Skills; get involved, evaluating evidence and staying objective, to reach conclusions! T...
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