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  • 09/09/22

    Dobwalls Primary receives Eco-Schools Award with Distinction

    We are proud to have achieved our Eco-Schools Award with Distinction in September 2022.  At Dobwalls, we are committed to looking after our environment and setting the right example for everyone around us. Eco-Schools is an environmental education programme run internationally by the Foundat...
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  • 06/09/22

    Welcome Back

    Welcome Back! So lovely to see faces both old and new. We've kicked off the new term with a fantastic Book Week! The library van has been to visit with our librarians choosing new books and Louise from the Library Service read a lovely story to children in Fowey and Loveny. What a super st...
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  • 05/07/22

    Dobwalls go green for Green Day! 💚

    Such a brilliant day on Friday 1st July as we held a green day. Children came to school wearing shades of green! We welcome Paddy and Will from Biffa who led assemblies and a tour of their recycling truck to help us all develop our understanding of recycling. Both children and staff learnt a lot! A...
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  • 30/06/22

    Class visit to Restormel Castle

    As part of our topic called Casltes, Loveny class visited Restormel Castle in Lostwithiel to experience and explore the ruins of a castle.  
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  • 09/06/22

    Sports Days are back!

    On Wednesday 8th June, we held our Infants Sports Day.  There was a carousel of team games followed by individual races and a tug of war.    Everyone was amazing, and even the sun was out most of the time.  Well done to the Red Team who won today!  Thank you one...
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  • 26/05/22

    Wombling Free Litter Pick

    After school Wombling Free Litter Pick Club were hard at work collecting litter in Dobwalls yesterday with Mr Jones. Unusual items collected included an old boot and part of a microwave...!  Fantastic!
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  • 17/05/22

    Library Visit

    Lerryn and Fowey Class enjoyed a visit today from librarians from the Cornwall Library Service. We love reading and listening to stories at Dobwalls!
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  • 10/05/22

    RNLI visit

    What a great start to the Summer term!  On Monday 25th April, the RNLI visited Key Stage 2 with a super assembly teaching everyone how to keep safe when enjoying time at the beach this summer.      
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  • 05/05/22

    Year 4 visit from South West Water

    On Thursday 5th May, Sophie from South West Water visited Year 4. Sophie explained the water cycle, helped us to think about how to save water and demonstrated water filtration. She also showed us why it is important to only flush toilet paper and not wet wipes! All children were so engag...
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  • 05/05/22

    School Council Fancy Dress Marathon

    On Friday 1st April, the School Council organised an amazing fancy dress marathon.  Mr Jones ran a whole marathon and more!  Whilst Mr Jones was running, everyone took part too!  The Infants ran 3 miles and the Juniors ran a 5k run!   Through sponsorship, the children hav...
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  • 05/05/22

    Cooking Workshop led by Chartwells

    On Tuesday 3rd May, Sophie from Chartwells, visited Year 5 to teach them about cooking!  As their current topic is Ancient Greece, they explored foods from the region including hummus, feta cheese, tzatziki dip!  Yum!!     
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  • 08/04/22

    Wow Dobwalls!

    On Wednesday 30th March, we took to the magnificent stage at Carnglaze Caverns.  It was a truly momentous moment to be able to provide the children with an opportunity to sing to their families in such a stunning setting, a memory made for life!  Due to Covid, this was the first co...
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