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  • 17/11/23

    Children in Need

    On Friday 17th November, Dobwalls became spotacular for BBC Children in Need.  Our children were absolutely amazing with their spotty baking!  We had so many delicious cakes, buns, biscuits and more. They were absolutely delicious and enjoyed at break time.  We have raised approxim...
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  • 15/11/23

    Times Table Parent/Carers

    On Wednesday 15th November, Tamar Class  (Year 4) had a great time welcoming and sharing their learning of times tables with their parents/carers.  Many games were shared to help children learn their times tables at home. The children really put their adults to the times table tests...
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  • 14/11/23

    Toasty Tuesday for Charity

    On Tuesday 14th November, we held a Toasty Tuesday morning snack to raise money for charity.  The charity has been chosen by the whole school and led by the School Council with today raising £65!  Wow! Great work Dobwalls School Council. 
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  • 13/11/23

    National Anti-Bullying Week

    On Monday 13th November, we joined in with anti-bullying week and Odd Socks Day. Mrs Pipe led an assembly with the whole school talking about what bullying is and compared it to banter.  We watched a video from the anti-bullying alliance and reminded ourselves of our school Diamond Rules...
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  • 11/11/23

    Fowey Class - Books and Biscuits!

    On Thursday 9th November, it was a pleasure for Fowey Class to welcome so many parents/carers to share their love of reading.  Mrs Orchard led a session talking about reading and RWI, the children enjoyed reading with their grown ups and the session was finished with Mrs Orchard reading a super...
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  • 07/11/23

    Fowey Class Visit Truro Museum

    On Friday 3rd November, Fowey Class climbed aboard a bus to travel to Truro Museum.  It was a wonderful experience with so many saying they had never been to a building likeit - it's beautiful.   They took part in a “Toys from the past” workshop. They expl...
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  • 01/11/23

    Year 4 Ukulele Lessons

    This term, Year 4 are learning to play the ukulele weekly on a Wednesday with Mrs Butlin. They are sounding fantastic and busy learning a range of notes and songs.  We can't wait for their performances!
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  • 20/10/23

    Exploring Ancient Egypt: Year 3 Egyptian Day

    Year 3 students recently embarked on a journey back in time to Ancient Egypt, bringing the rich history and culture of this ancient civilisation to life.  The atmosphere at the school was buzzing with enthusiasm as the students arrived in an array of brilliant costumes, truly immersing thems...
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  • 09/10/23

    Dobwalls' Green Day: A Day of Learning and Giving Back

    On the 6th of October, Dobwalls Primary School celebrated Green Day. The students arrived at school dressed in various shades of green, all with the shared goal of enhancing their understanding of sustainability and climate issues while taking practical steps to make a positive impact both locally a...
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  • 09/10/23

    Dyslexia Awareness Week

    We joined in with National Dyslexia Awareness week during the week of October 2nd - October 6th.  The week began with a super assembly led by Mr Spencer to raise awareness of dyslexia.  On Wednesday, we held a 'No Pens Day' Wednesday.  This was an active day with children t...
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  • 09/10/23

    School Council

    On Wednesday 13th September, we held our annual School Council elections.  Children had the opportunity prior to voting day to create their own manifestos.  These were all shared with their class peers so every child could think carefully about who they felt would be their choice for their...
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  • 26/09/23

    Harvest Festival at Dobwalls Church

    On Tuesday 26th September, we had a super visit to Dobwalls Church. Thank you so much to all the Church members for their time with us today. It was such a lovely Harvest Festival - a great story and it’s always a pleasure to sing in the Church.
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